What is visual stress?
At Evington Eyecare we carry out specialist eye examinations for people who suffer from visual stress.
Rougly 20% of the population experience visual discomfort when they try to read. Symptoms include headaches, distorted vision and fatigue and are thought to affect up to 40% of poor readers.
Visual stress is often confused with Dyslexia, and although the two can often be experienced together they are separate conditions.
Children and adults alike can suffer from visual stress, which can make keeping up with everyday life a struggle.
How colorimetry can help with visual stress
Colorimetry is an innovative solution that reduces the symptoms of visual stress.
Research has shown that coloured filters allow an individual to process information more effectively. A filter can either be a coloured overlay placed over text or prescription lenses in spectacles.
Colorimetry assessments
If you suspect yourself or your child may have visual stress, we will begin by carrying out a thorough eye exam to rule out any other ocular problems. Using the latest technology, we will then test for the existence of visual stress.
The first step is to trial coloured overlays to see whether reading can be improved.
If overlays prove to be successful, we can explore tinted lenses that will help with writing, distance and computer vision and prescribe unique lenses to suit your visual needs.